How To Look Like Goku

Goku from Dragonball


Goku from the DragonBall franchise is known for both his intense training methods and massive physique. For these reasons Goku has become an inspiration for many anime fans and inspiring athletes. Unlike many anime physiques, Goku’s physique is especially inspiring because it is achievable. In this blog post I will first analyze Goku’s physique. Then I will provide you the tips, tricks, and workouts you need to achieve a similar physique.

Analyzing Goku’s Physique

Goku's Physique Analysis

Goku’s Physique

My first impression is that Goku has a power-builder physique. Power-builders utilize the training techniques of both powerlifters and bodybuilders to build a dense and well-defined musculature. Consequently, we can assume, and we know from the show, that Goku’s training is a combination of heavy training and high repetitions.

The highlight of Goku’s anatomy are his biceps. Not only are they extraordinarily large but they have a width not often seen in even the top bodybuilders. His forearms are also extremely well developed. But considering that they are the same width of his entire arm, they may be too well developed. Even so his forearm size is a good indication of his extreme strength.

The triceps are a muscle group found on the back of the arm. They consist of three ‘heads’, two being the Medial and Lateral Heads. These two heads are the only two visible in this image. Additionally, Goku’s medial head is more developed than his lateral head. In a person this type of disparity is caused by an overemphasis on ‘pull-down’ exercises. Similarly, if not just an artistic choice, we can expect this disparity as having arisen from particular exercises in Goku’s training regime.

While Goku’s back is not visible in this image, we can make some assumptions based on what we can see. The size of his lats indicates an extremely dense and wide back. Furthermore, the size of his traps indicates that the middle part of his back, made up by the traps, is also well developed. Also, considering the full development of the rest of his body, we can assume that his back is large, muscular, and well developed.

Goku’s abdominals are muscular and three dimensional. This indicates that his abs are not just a result of a low bodyfat percentage but rather of heavy lifting/training. Lastly, Goku’s chest and shoulders perfectly complement the rest of his physique. If anything, they are the only muscles that are keeping Goku’s physique looking symmetrical and well balanced. In particular, his shoulders have been drawn to show the equal development of each part of his shoulder.

Next I will offer you some workouts to try based on this analysis of Goku’s physique. Overall, I am going to program power-building workouts focused on total body development. Additionally, I will also include a leg day even though Goku’s legs are not visible in the above picture. This leg day will follow a similar power-building workout style.

Goku Workouts

Goku from Dragon Ball

Goku Workout 1: Arms and Legs

Cheat Curls: 3 x 6

Hammer-Curls: 3 x 8

One-Arm Tricep Pulldown: 4 x 12

Heavy Single-Arm Dumbbell Kickback: 4 x 8

Barbell Squat: 4 x 8

Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 x 8

Goku Workout 2: Back and Abs

Barbell Row: 3 x 8

One Arm DB Row: 4 x 6

Lat-Pulldowns: 4 x 12

Weighted Crunches: 4 x 20

Hanging Leg Raises: 4 x 15

Goku Workout 3: Chest and Shoulders

Barbell Chest Press: 4 x 8

Dumbbell Flyes: 4 x 12

Dumbbell Pullovers: 4 x 8

Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 4 x 12

Dumbbell Front Raises: 4 x 12

Bent-over Raises: 4 x 12

Goku Workout 4: Arms and Abs

Concentration Curls: 4 x 12

Spider Curls: 4 x 12

Ez-Bar Curls: 3 x 10

Tricep Pull-down: 4 x 10

Weighted Roman Chair Situps: 2 x 3 mins


I hope you found this blog post helpful and are ready and excited to get in the gym. If you want a more specific and detailed Goku workout program feel free to checkout our year-long Goku Workout Program below!

The Unofficial Goku Workout Program Cover


Best Ab Exercises for a Superhero Body


Top Ten Anime Physiques