Best Ab Exercises for a Superhero Body

Abdominal Muscles


A good set of abs is one of the most desired features of a physique. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but they are also a visual testament to rigorous discipline, diet, and training. Getting a good set of abs requires not only a strict diet but also the knowledge of how best to build them. Let this post be your guide to picking the most efficient ab-building exercises. Follow this advice, and you will get the six-pack you’ve always dreamed of!

1. Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging Leg Raises Exercise

Hanging leg raises, without a doubt, are one of the most effective and versatile ab exercises. Not only do they work all of your abdominal muscles, but by adding a twist at the top of the movement, they can also work the obliques. These can be done with a full leg extension or by raising only the knees. Although both variations work the same muscles, the leg raise works your abs harder than just the knee raise.

Furthermore, this exercise can be done either hanging from a bar or through the use of a power tower. A power tower provides the user with the option to rest their elbows on a pad while performing the exercise.

The hanging leg raise, and its variations, is an essential movement for your ab workouts.

2. Russian Twists

Russian Twists Exercise

The Russian Twist is the Tsar of oblique training. These can be done either without weight or with weights such as a weight plate, dumbbell, kettlebell, or weighted ball. The key to Russian Twists is the constant tension they put on your core. This, combined with the oblique squeeze at the end of the movement, is a recipe for a powerful and effective ab exercise.

3. Planks

Plank Exercise

Planks are often overlooked because they are one of the simplest ab exercises. But you shouldn’t underestimate this secret weapon. Planks work the layer of muscle underneath your visible abdominals. By working this underlying layer, you are building the foundation of abdominal strength. Furthermore, it is this layer that is responsible for the visible separation of each individual abdominal muscle.

Without planks, your abs will lack the very definition they should be known for!

4. Roman Chair Sit-ups

Roman Chair Sit-ups

Roman Chair Sit-ups

The Roman Chair Sit-up was a favorite of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who did 10 minutes of them with every workout. These are like sit-ups on steroids. And when you combine these with weight, they are the most effective method of building abs. By building abs, I mean getting them to the point of looking three-dimensional by actually building the mass of your abdominals.

5. Stomach Vacuums

Stomach Vacuums

Stomach vacuums are by far one of the best, and sadly, one of the forgotten ab exercises. Stomach vacuums literally compress the width of your waist. Furthermore, once you start doing them, I'm sure you will feel just how hard they work your abs. Remember, when working towards aesthetic abdominals, you will need to do more than just work your abs. Also important to your aesthetics is the frame your abs sit in. A trim and thin waist built through stomach vacuums will make your abs pop!

6. BONUS: Cardio

A final note on working out your abs: The most important thing you can do for aesthetic abs is to lose weight. A low body fat percentage will allow all of your hard work to shine through! A combination of cardio, which burns a lot of calories, and a weight-loss diet—aiming for about a 250-calorie deficit—will be perfect for all your abdominal needs!


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