What Body Type Are You?

Body Types: Ecto, Meso, Endomorphs


Characters come in all shapes and sizes. Essential to looking like your favorite characters is understanding your own body type. Knowing your body type will give you insight on the best ways to train, eat, build muscle, and lose weight for you. This information is essential for anyone who is serious about getting a physique like their favorite anime, manga, or manhwa character!


Toudoru from Jujutsu Kaisen

Toudoru from Jujutsu Kaisen

Endomorphs typically have larger bone structure with more significant amounts of body fat. They often have a round or soft appearance and carry their excess weight around their abdomen and hips. This is not always the case. Endomorphs who are physically fit generally appear larger than other athletes. This is not only because they have larger frames, but their muscle typically appears denser.

Endomorphs tend to have a slower metabolism which makes it easier for them to gain both muscle and fat. Consequently, they often find it more difficult to lose fat. Endomorphs might have to go below the recommended 250 calorie deficit in order to lose weight. Additionally, they may need to program over an hour of cardio every week to lose weight.

Endomorphs usually have natural strength and power due to their larger frame, they excel at activities that require strength such as powerlifting, contact sports, and manual labor. They excel at all forms of training but are particularly well suited for powerlifting and power building.

Some popular examples of anime and manga endomorphs are Touduo from Jujutsu Kaisen and Biscuit Oliva from Baki.


Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece

Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece

Ectomorphs tend to be lean and slender. They have narrow shoulders, hips, and joints. They typically have a fast metabolism and find it challenging to gain weight, both muscle and fat. This requires them to eat more food than either endomorphs or mesomorphs.

Ectomorphs often excel in endurance activities and sports that require speed and agility, such as long-distance running or swimming. Ectomorphs often also excel at calisthenics and bodyweight training.

Ectomorphs may struggle to gain muscle mass and may need to focus on consuming high-calorie diets and performing resistance training to build muscle. Many ectomorphs supplement their diets with mass gaining shakes or junk food. While certainly not the healthiest practices, even on such diets ectomorphs can manage to stay relatively lean. The key to training as an ectomorph is understanding your metabolism and tracking your calories in vs. your calories out.

Some popular anime and manga ectomorphs are Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece and Ban from Seven Deadly Sins.


Asta from Black Clover

Asta from Black Clover

Mesomorphs are typically characterized by a naturally athletic and muscular physique. They have a medium-sized bone structure, well-defined muscles, and a evenly proportioned body. They have a balanced metabolism, making it easier for them to both gain and lose weight. They tend to respond well to exercise and achieve significant muscle growth with resistance training.

Mesomorphs often excel in a wide range of physical activities and sports due to their combination of strength, speed, and agility. They may find it easier to achieve and maintain a lean and muscular physique. Their bodies respond well to all types of training but best to bodybuilding style workouts.

While they have a genetic advantage when it comes to building muscle and staying lean, they still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and engage in regular exercise to optimize their physical condition.

Some popular anime/manga mesomorphs are Asta from Black Clover and Vegeta from Dragonball.


The key to building muscle may be knowing what body type you have. By tailoring your training and nutrition to your body type you see results like never before!


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