Power-Up Your Workouts with this Solo Leveling-Inspired Training Technique

Sung Jinwoo from Solo Leveling

Introduction: Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling is a manhwa whose recent anime adaptation has taken the anime world by storm. Once released it instantly becoming one of Crunchyroll’s most popular shows. The series, whose completed manhwa can be found here, is a dark fantasy that pits humans against monsters. In the world of Solo Leveling hunters are responsible for closing the gates that bridge the worlds together. At the beginning of the series Sun Jinwoo, the main character, is known as the weakest hunter. But everything changes for Jinwoo after a incident in one of the gates, where he gains a special Daily Quest system.

This system turns Jinwoo from a zero to hero. The first few challenges issued by the system are time sensitive workouts. These workouts reward Jinwoo once he completes them. When he fails to complete his daily quest Jinwoo is punished. As Sun Jinwoo continues to complete the Quests we start to see his body transcend from skinny and undefined into a lean, muscular, and godly. This is what the system interface looks like:

Solo Leveling’s Training Style

Jinwoo’s fitness quests are full body, body-weight workouts with an emphasis on cardiovascular activity. If you’re an astute observer, you may recognize that Jinwoo’s first Daily Quest (100 Pushups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats, 10km of Running) is very similar to One Punch Man’s , Saitama’s workout plan, the difference being Jinwoo’s has 10x as much running involved.

After a few dozen chapters the Daily Quests are no longer prominently featured. But Jinwoo’s continual training leads us to assume that he continues with his daily quests.

The volume and type of Jinwoo’s workouts serves two purposes.

Analyzing Sun Jinwoo’s Training

Jinwoo’s training style is high volume bodyweight training with added cardiovascular exercises. The high-volume part of this training, many repetitions, serves a dual purpose. Firstly, the volume works to increase the total mechanical load placed upon the muscles. This allows for better hypertrophy, that is muscle growth, in lieu of external weights and equipment. Secondly, this volume also trains cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Both of these traits are necessary for Jinwoo’s monster slaying lifestyle.

Analyzing Sun Jinwoo’s Training: The Benefits of Variability

If you’ve been working out for a while, you may have realized that performing the same programs over and over again gets repetitive, or worse - boring. Boredom with a program can lead to lackluster workouts, skipping, and overall disillusionment with your exercise goals. Furthermore, performing the same workouts over and over has a reduced effect on muscle growth. This is because muscles easily adapt to the workouts they are exposed too. Jinwoo’s form of variable and randomized training can solve two these common fitness issues.

Next I’ll give you some ‘Solo Leveling’ inspired Daily Quests that you can try out for yourself.

Solo Leveling Workouts

Daily Quest 1 (Beginner):

Jump Rope - 3 min

Sprint Intervals - 1 min

High Knees - 1 min

Running- 3.2 km (2 miles)

Daily Quest 2 (Intermediate):

Push-Ups- 30 reps

Bicycle Crunches- 60 reps

Triceps Dips- 50 reps

Jump Rope- 8 min

Daily Quest 3 (Advanced):

Jump Squats- 5 x 30 seconds

Push-Ups- 5 x 30 seconds

Bicycle Crunches- 5 x 30 seconds

Sprint in Place- 5 x 30 seconds


I hope you have found these workouts helpful. Daily Quests should add novelty to your fitness routine while still challenging and building your physique. If you enjoyed, we offer a year-long Solo Leveling training program. This program has 365 days of Solo Leveling Daily Challenges and can be found here, or below.

Solo Exercising 365 Beginner Quests


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